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Inglês: Interpretação – How to reach long-term happiness

Family and friends seem to be the secret for a happy life

Harvard conducted one of the longest and most comprehensive studies of human development – the 75 year old Grant Study – that’s reached some fascinating conclusions regarding the recipe for leading a happy life. The sample group was comprised of healthy male Harvard college students who, over the course of their lifetime, agreed to meet with an array of scientists and researchers who measured their psychological, physical and anthropological traits. Though all identities are confidential, it was recently discovered that John F. Kennedy was a sample participant. Following these men through times of war, their careers, parenthood and old age, the Grant Study has amassed an exorbitant amount of data that deeply reflects the human condition. What can be concluded from seven decades of data? It is quite simple actually; warm relationships between parents, spouses, children and friends have the greatest impact on your health and happiness in old age. The study found that 93 percent of the sample group who were thriving at age 65, had a close relationship with a sibling when they were younger. As George Vaillant, the lead director of the study states, it can all be boiled down into five simple words: “Happiness is love. Full stop.”

Business Insider. Disponível em Acessado em 10/6/2013. (Vestibular ITA 2014)



1. A Grant Study, pesquisa realizada pela Universidade de Harvard,

a) teve por objetivo investigar o comportamento de pessoas idosas e felizes.
b) possibilitou o levantamento gigantesco de dados sobre pesquisadores de Harvard.
c) comprovou que John F. Kennedy foi um homem extremamente feliz.
d) chama-se the 75 year old Grant Study por ser homenagem à faixa etária analisada.
e) comprovou que felicidade na vida adulta está atrelada às relações afetivas ao longo da vida.

2. Assinale a opção cuja reescrita não altera o sentido de: “Though all identities are confidential, it was recently discovered that John F. Kennedy was a sample participant.”

a) John F. Kennedy was a sample participant, although nobody knew that.
b) In spite of being a sample participant, John F. Kennedy’s identity was never discovered.
c) The study was confidential, thus the participation of John F. Kennedy was never discovered.
d) Besides being a confidential study, John F. Kennedy said he used to be a participant.
e) In spite of the fact that all identities are kept confidential, it was recently found out that John F. Kennedy was a sample participant.

3. Substituindo os adjetivos long e comprehensive, respectiva- mente, por easy e rich na oração “Harvard conducted one of the longest and most comprehensive studies of human development”, teremos:

a) the most easy – the richest.
b) the easiest – the most rich.
c) the more easy – the richer.
d) the easiest – the richest.
e) the most easy – the most rich.



1. Analisando as alternativas:
a) O estudo teve como amostra homens quando eram estudantes universitários de Harvard – jovens, portanto. Veja o trecho: “The sample group was comprised of healthy male Harvard college students…”. Incorreta.
b) Cientistas e pesquisadores são os responsáveis pelo estudo, e não o objeto estudado. Incorreta.
c) O nome do ex-presidente John F. Kennedy é citado apenas como um dos participantes da pesquisa. Além disso, não há nenhuma menção aos resultados relativos a cada indivíduo da amostra. Incorreta.
d) A faixa etária é bem mais ampla, pois a pesquisa se propunha a acompanhar jovens ao longo de sua vida inteira, até os 75 anos de idade. Incorreta.
e) A resposta correta está no fnal do texto: “…warm relationships between parents, spouses, children and friends have the greatest impact on your health and happiness in old age” (relações afetivas entre pais, cônjuges, flhos e amigos têm maior impacto sobre sua saúde e felicidade na velhice). Correta.

Resposta: E

2. Traduzindo a frase proposta, temos “Apesar de todas as identidades serem confidenciais, foi descoberto recentemente que John F. Kennedy foi um dos participantes da amostra”. As alternativas podem confundir, mas, sendo o mais fel possível à frase original, a melhor alternativa é “In spite of the fact that all identities are kept confidential, it was recently found out that John F. Kennedy was a sample participant”. “In spite of” tem o mesmo sentido de “though” (apesar de, embora), e “found out” é o mesmo que “discovered” (descoberto).

Resposta: E

3. A questão exige conhecimentos básicos de superlativos. Os termos “the longest” and “ the most comprehensive” significam, respectiva- mente “o mais extenso/longo” e “o mais abrangente”. Os termos “easy” (fácil) e “rich” (rico), no superlativo, transformam-se em “the easiest” e “the richest”.

Resposta: D



Inglês: Interpretação – How to reach long-term happiness
Inglês: Interpretação – How to reach long-term happiness
Family and friends seem to be the secret for a happy life Harvard conducted one of the longest and most comprehensive studies of human development – the 75 year old Grant Study – that’s reached some fascinating conclusions regarding the recipe for leading a happy life. The sample group was comprised of healthy male Harvard […]

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