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Inglês: Interpretação – The risk of distraction

Cell phones use while driving and alcohol causes most of the car accidents

Driver distractions are the major causes of car accidents. They include cell phones and other kinds of gadgets (laptops or electric razors, for example) used by drivers as they drive. In response to this problem some states in the US have banned the use of hand-held cell phones while people are driving. Alcoholic drinks may be also considered a distraction. That’s why anyone with .01 of blood alcohol is considered unfit to drive. Other potentially dangerous habits are rubbernecking and tailgating. The first one occurs when drivers slow down to look at another accident on the road or anything that looks unusual. That’s dangerous because the driver in the car behind often doesn’t have enough time to slow down. The same applies for tailgating in that a driver who is following a car too closely may not have enough distance to stop suddenly.

(, adaptado)


EXERCÍCIOS – UESPI 2010 (adaptado)

1. It is true to assert that:

a) Both the teens and the elderly have the lowest accident rates.

b) Both the teens and the elderly have the highest accident rates.

c) Middle-aged drivers cause more accidents than teenagers.

d) Middle-aged drivers cause more accidents than the elderly.

e) The elderly cause many more accidents than teenagers.


2. One can argue that middle-aged drivers drive more:

a) recklessly.

b) aggressively.

c) dangerously.

d) cautiously.

e) impatiently.


3. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: He stopped … only after the doctor said he was going to die.

a) drank.

b) drink.

c) drinks.

d) drinking.

e) to drink.



1. Both the teens and the elderly have the highest accident rates. A alternativa indica que “tanto adolescentes quanto idosos têm os índices de acidentes mais altos”. Resposta: b

2. Cautiously. Ou seja, cautelosamente, com precaução. Resposta: d

3. Drinking. Na frase, temos a indicação de um hábito que foi interrompido, e, nesse caso, o verbo “stop” deve ser acompanhado de um verbo no gerúndio. Em português, temos “parar de” fazer alguma coisa. “Stop to drink” é parar para beber. Resposta: d


Inglês: Interpretação – The risk of distraction
Inglês: Interpretação – The risk of distraction
Cell phones use while driving and alcohol causes most of the car accidents Driver distractions are the major causes of car accidents. They include cell phones and other kinds of gadgets (laptops or electric razors, for example) used by drivers as they drive. In response to this problem some states in the US have banned […]

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